Running: I started training for the Waynesboro 5K Run on July 4th. My goal is to finish -preferably in under 35 minutes! I am thankful for the motivation to get out there an exercise. If anyone else is interested in training, I have a "Couch to 5K" schedule that I am following. There are about 13 weeks left until the race. I'll keep you posted on my progress! (Delton took this picture of me running. :)
Mommy Mistake: Ezra has a deep, hacking cough. I haven't wanted to take him outside, but I had to go to the bank today. I bundled him up in a snow suit, and ran through the drive through of the local bank. When I returned home, I realized that I had accidentally lowered the back seat window halfway when I was fumbling to get my window down at the bank (and talking on the phone to Delton at the same time). My poor, sick baby drove the whole way home (1 mile) with the wind blowing in on him. I could have cried!! Any other mom's want to 'fess us to mistakes they've made to make me feel better?
Yes, I have done things that later just make me shake my head in wonder and regret! i can't think of any at this moment, but you're not alone. My husband tells me it's not the air, but germs that make them sick. maybe the fresh air will help Ezra!
I just heard a suggestion for children with a bad cough. Rub Vicks on the bottom of their feet and put socks on them before putting them to bed. I've never tried it so I can't tell you more than that, but maybe it works.
I'm so impressed that you are running. I have never been much of a runner. Are people allowed to walk the 5k? Even if I did like to run, I probably wouldn't run 5k while being 8 months pregnant, but I might walk it. I'll have to get more details from you.
I can't stand running but I'm so happy for you! I've always been envious of runners' butts...they have terrific hind ends.
Mommy mistakes...we installed a gate at the bottom of the stairs for the obvious reason. Eric and I were talking in the kitchen and realized Marin wasn't around. She was upstairs trying to crawl into the tub because we forgot the gate! She could have so easily tried to come back down and fell the whole flight! Thank God for His protection.
Hi again, I think we decided to wait until next week to get together to walk since it's still kind of cold. I feel like a wimp. You're running in this stuff and I don't want to walk. :( See you Thursday
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