Sunday, June 21, 2009

For My Dad On Father's Day


Happy Father's Day. This is a day to honor you and your role as dad in my life. There are many things I want to thank you for today...

~Thank you for how you loved mom. You showed me what marriage should look like, and gave me incredibly high standards when it came to choosing who I would marry.

~You chose to have 9 children, when you could have chosen a life that left more room (and money) for hobbies and toys. You gave me the gift of siblings, a gift that blesses me every day.

~You modeled a life of trust- trusting God to provide. You taught me that God is our source, and He will not fail us.

~You somehow saved enough to take us on great vacations. I remember going to Maine, climbing Mt. Washington, going on the Songa River Queen. How did you do it? I don't know- but thank you for making the sacrifice to make that a part of our childhood.

~You took us with you when we were little- on errands (to Checkers, if I am remembering correctly?), on dates. I can't remember most of this, but the times you and mom have talked about this make me realize that you loved me and wanted me with you. A large family was not a burden to you.

~You told us Jessie, Jenny and Judy stories, along with Bumpkin, Fritz and Yogi stories. Getting too close to the mud puddle and slow obedience is no obedience- life lessons I learned through your stories.

~You are a writer, and passed that trait down to so many of us. It is a part of your legacy, dad.

~You modeled a love for Scripture, a dependence and trust for the word. I remember stories of your college days, when you carried flashcards of memory verses with you. I love the word, and that, too, is a part of your legacy.

So, Happy Father's Day, dad. I am thankful to be your daughter, thankful for the many memories you have given me and what you passed down to me that I can pass on to my children.

Much love~

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Weekend and Me

Katelyn and Andrea getting soaked at Rickett's Glen State Park.
My niece, Ara, was in the stream. She held her nose, preparing to go underwater, and sat down- unfortunately, she chose a shallow part, and hit bottom before she made it fully underwater. Mom saw it and had to laugh!!

Chilling at the house...

Brother-in-laws and cousins...

Cameo in a little tree house in the yard, the lake behind her. Delton took this through the screen in the house.
We spent the weekend with my parents, my sister and brother in law and their 4 children, and my three youngest sisters- Cameo, Katelyn and Andrea. A wonderful time. The lake had been sprayed the day we arrived due to a high level of ecoli in the water (!!!) so we couldn't get in it, but we hardly noticed. We spent Saturday at Rickett's Glen State Park hiking, swimming and boating. On Sunday we went to the lake house of a friend, located on a different lake, and swam. The kids did well, and we enjoyed ourselves.
Facebook had a list going around for a while- 25 Random Things About Me. I started a list, but never got it posted. I just found it this morning, so here is my random list...
1. I don't work well in chaos
2. I have a high tolerance for repetition (doesn't bother me when people get stuck singing the same line from a song over and over and over. Probably comes from blocking out the noise generated by a large family.)
3. I enjoy using nasal aspirators on the boys. :)
4. I enjoy preaching
5. I am terrified of heights
6. I was mad at my kichen mats. I'm over it now- they are in a land fill.
7. If I would let myself, I could be an ambulance chaser- I want to know what it going on!! And yes, I do peer through the blinds (or worse, stand on the porch) when there is something going on in my neighborhood.
8. I enjoy reality tv shows- two in particular - High School Musical 3: Get in the Picture, and The Biggest Loser. They were my ironing shows!
9. I read every book on the Mafia when I was in 10th grade. ??
10 I enjoy sprinkling movie quotes in when I am talking.
"I would have muddled the whole thing!"
"Don't rush me; I'm cruising the merchandise, Mr. Weazel!"
"You see! You see what I have to put up with!!"
And my sisters could add a million more to that list. Any idea what movies the quotes came from?
11. I tend to kill plants through intentional neglect. (Case in point- the one right beside me!)
12. I love rainy days.
13. I have a high tolerance for repetition. :)
So, there I am in a very small nutshell. I am going to get busy so I don't get grumpy...

Friday, June 5, 2009

Post 101

Brotherly love. I love my boys!!! And yes, sometimes this is what they look like all day!!!
Asher's one year picture.

Blast off, my little einstein!!

Tigers in their cage. Roar!!!

Asher enjoying walking at Red Run Park while daddy and Ezra were fishing.

Just saw that this is my 101st post. Not sure if that is a lot or a little in the years I've been blogging...Considering I had a baby in that time, I find it at least respectable!
This is my to-do-list for today. Computer catch up time. No guilt- I'm getting done what I set out to do!

Delton and I are going away for the day tomorrow. My parents are coming to watch the boys. I am nervous and excited about leaving for so long. I know it is only about 10 hours, but this is the longest I have ever left Asher, and have only been away from Ezra for this long a handful of times. Asher still nurses- more for comfort than anything, but still... The excitement part comes in knowing that everything is going to go great and my worries are groundless. My parents had nine kids, for goodness sake! I think they can handle two toddlers for a day!!!

We are going to Shepherdstown, WV. We love to explore small tourist towns on our anniversaries. We have explored Clayton, NY (on our honeymoon), Frederick, Gettysburg, and Harpers Ferry. I look forward to browsing in the shops- and doing a bit of hiking as well. :)

I have been reading several great books. Girl meets God is the memoir of a woman who grew up in Judaism, then converts to Christianity. It isn't a book that is necessarily about the "why" of her conversion- although that does play a part. Rather, it is about her coming to terms with what she loves about her Jewish background and what that means to her as a Christian. Definately worth reading! I also picked up a book from the library called "The Element- How finding your passion changes everything". I thought Delton would enjoy reading it, but I have been the one to read/skim it. I know I am not catching everything the author is saying, but it is so fascinating to read the interviews with people who have seen their passions and skills come together- people who are scientists, a world class pool player, musicians, authors... It makes me want to encourage my boys to be creative, and appreciate those around them that are doing what gives them life. An inspiring book.

My family was going to camp in my parent's backyard for a weekend. We decided (it was my idea) to forgo camping at a campground and save the $40. Everyone said they were up to camping out in mom and dad's backyard, but as the time approached, I felt dumb for suggesting it....Recently, a graduation party was scheduled at the pool at mom and dad's house by the owners (my parents rent), so we would feel a bit silly sitting there in our tents as party-goers strolled by. The backyard camping experience was falling apart, and I second-guessed my suggestion to save the cash! A friend with a 5-bedroom house on a lake called my mom last week and suggested we use their house sometime. The pieces fell together, and we are all gathering at their house next weekend. All that to say- It is neat to see how God leads, even when we second-guess ourselves!!!

My sister Cameo graduates on Thursday. Katelyn, 16, leaves on the 20th for a mission trip to Ireland with Royal Servants. Delton is at Cedar Ridge today for a three day High Ropes Training. He is having a wonderful time!! I am so glad he gets this outlet for his creativity, for his spirit to be renewed. He doesn't get nap time and bible-study like I do, and the grind can get to be a lot, I am sure.
Asher is growing- still doesn't want to walk on his own, but will walk unassisted when we leave him dangling in the middle of the room! He is a still a good baby...I think...but also has a LOT of spirit and spunk. He is amazingly lovable!!!
Ezra's vocabulary and sentence structure is exploding. He articulates very well! He and Asher are learning how to co-exist, and this can be a painful experience at times! :) Ezra is excited about a bike mom and dad are bringing for him tomorrow. He doesn't want a "handle" on it, referring to the handle that is on his tricycle so we can steer him. He loves Caillou, and is starting to say "movie" when prompted, rather than "choo-choo". To me, all videos are now "choo-choos", so I have trouble remembering to say the correct term. Maybe by the time he is three he'll say it correctly (and I will too!).

I love the rain- there is something therapeutic about not having to go outside, just being able to enjoy a quiet day at home.

Blessings to you...