There is something about this age, something about Asher that makes my heart swell with pride and love. It is hard to express how much he is loved!
We had a great Christmas, and the festivities are not over yet. Enjoy the pictures.
For those of you who don't get Reader's Digest, here is a Christmas joke I keep laughing about...
Grandma decided not to buy gifts for everyone this year but just send them money. She sent the checks along with a note that said, "Buy your own gifts". A few months later, grandma was cleaning out some papers and found the checks she thought she mailed with the note... :)
What great pictures! You are a blessed woman, Charity. :)
I know what you mean about Asher's age. Keaton is still rather stationary (for another week or two, maybe) and he has a very predictable schedule. I actually consider it an easy stage...and so much fun too.
Beautiful family, Charity!
Time to post a picture of the photograher!:-) I'm sure you were there - just behind the camera! I love the pictures you take and the expressions of love - you have such a great way with words! Love you and yours-
Mom Leh
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