I was awakened at 5:30 a.m. by the sound of a little boy calling out. "Mom! Mommy! Da! Please!" It is so cute, but yet so annoying. I finally rolled out of bed at 6 or so, after having a little boy sit next to me for several minutes, talking about juice and "dark"- he wanted the light turned on.
Breakfast was eaten- the dishes piled in the sink, along with the dishes from supper last night. We played. Asher took a nap, Mom showered, Ezra played with the vacuum attachments in his crib.
I planned to work on Christmas cards while Ezra watched a "choo-choo" on Delton's laptop. My dad called, and I spent the next 20 minutes working on sending him pictures of everyone in my family for my parents Christmas letter that I was going to generate but couldn't. Long, boring story.
After helping my dad, I took a credit card, wet wipe, and a Curious George library book and tried to do some surgery on a book that should have been returned weeks ago (the library informed me I had exceeded the maximum number of times you are allowed to renew a book. I asked if there was anything they could do so I didn't incur a fee until I could get it in. They renewed it. :) Ezra had scribbled all over two of the pages. I don't know where I was, but he spent some serious time scribbling- he focused his attention on curious george who got more than his fair share of red crayon. I have been procrastinating cleaning the book. Good thing the library has a renewal limit...
Asher woke up. I decided to run errands. Dad Lehman agreed to watch Asher. Ezra and I went to Martins. He rode in the cart with a car in front- the main reason I go to Martins! The cashier forgot to ask for my Customer Card- I had to go over to Customer Service and wait in line, then wait while the accountant counted the money in the drawer. Saved 3.01.
Ezra ran away from me in the parking lot, so no "pop" at the bank. Unhappy child and mom drive to Christian bookstore. Along the way, I hear "pop?" multiple times, as well as please, and even see him sign "yes, ma'am!" Each time I said no, there was a new eruption.
I got exactly what I needed at the bookstore- it was a rush! I love spending money!
Get home with both boys- Ezra eats a piece of ham lunchmeat and his leftover eggs from breakfast in his highchair in the kitchen doorway as I nurse Asher in the living room. Ezra almost falls asleep in his highchair as I change Asher's diaper.
Both boys fall asleep. I eat lunch, do dishes, then hear Asher waking up. I put Asher in his exersaucer and work on Christmas cards. Asher gets fussy. I play with him, feed him, and put him to sleep again.
I sat down to work on Christmas cards again, but had to post all the threads of today that are running around in my mind.
Blessings to you. Have a great Thursday.
P.S. Ezra wakes up, and the day keeps on going...