We had a picnic lunch at Renfrew this evening. What a wonderful time! The weather was beautiful. There is just something about Spring, when the weather starts changing, that is so uplifting. Everything seems brighter.
Ezra had fun. He loved riding on Delton's shoulders, but Delton found that a bit uncomfortable because Ezra began to eat his hair. Quite funny. I guess our little guy likes to eat Delton...toes, hair...He loves his daddy!
I hope you have a good weekend! Leave a comment and tell me what you did this weekend. I'll let you know what I get into...
Love those pics! Isn't hard to believe how fast he's growing up? Marin stayed overnight at Eric's parents last night and we had dinner with friends. I know exactly what you mean about spring...I can't help but feel happy!
This weekend was a busy one for me- Saturday morning I went to a seminar called "Guess who's coming to Sunday school", which was a lot about the 3 different "rules of thinking". Saturday afternoon I went to a cook-out with my Aduly Sunday school class. I took some yummy potato salad and began feeling like an adult when the other women asked for my recipe. :) Yesterday was a busy one with church and a Faithfulness Awards Ceremony I was helping with. But I also got to go outside in the afternoon and enjoy the sunshine and read a book.It was so very nice. Love the pictures!
It is always good to read what you write. The photo journal with the words makes it oh so very personal. I can only imagine your evening in the park. We are enjoying spring, as well. The girls are out everyday after school. Talon tags along, riding his scooter,and trying to keep up.
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