I just found this outfit in Ezra's closet. I was searching for something for him to wear because all of his 9 month clothing is getting too small. This is a 12 month outfit. He looked so cute in it! Last evening, we put him in the laundry basket after we had folded some clothes. He loved it! I took a bunch of pictures. We go to the dr. today, so I get to find out exactly how big he is. I'll let you know!... He is 20 lbs, 5.5 oz! He is 28 3/4 in long, and his head circumference is 28.5 cm!
Oh, my!...Marin (now 13 months old) goes to the doctor on Friday and I bet she is smaller than Ezra in every measure! I'll let you know. You're right, he's absolutely adorable in that outfit and the laundry basket makes a nice accessory.
Brag away! He's adorable! See you Thursday
My friends baby is just going on 6 months old and wearing 12-18 month clothes. Some big boys! :) Ezra looks really cute.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! adorable!!! i love yous!!!!!!! that is sooo cute!!! -Nanu -Mom -Krystal
Okay, i was wrong...Marin is a tiny bit bigger. 21.6 lbs, 29 3/4 in long, 17 1/2 cm head circumference. They say she has a little head and she must compared to Ezra! I can't imagine hauling around your 'little' guy!
Take care,
Yikes! Now I have a complex! Does Ezra have a gigantic head??? :) Hauling around my "litle man" has become almost second nature- but when we are "out and about" I let Delton carry him! I would love to see Marin sometime. We'll have to get together- maybe you, me and Sabrina can meet at a park?
No, no, no...Marin is definitely on the tiny head side of the scale. I didn't mean to give you a complex...bad choice of words on my part.
I would LOVE for us all to meet. Last summer, Sabrina and I met for walks in the park and you'll def be getting a call. Is there a good walking part in Waynesboro?
:) I was joking! I am secure in the fact that Ezra is okay- mostly because I had a cousin who had an ENORMOUS head as a baby, and he is perfectly fine today. Waynesboro has a beautiful park called Renfrew. We were just there tonight!
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