(The picture was taken at the ice fest on Saturday)
I didn't make it to Bible Study because I dropped my phone in a bucket of water. Okay, so that's not totally true! Both Ezra and I were feeling sick, and so we stayed home and slept and slept- he slept 5 hours, and I slept 2 1/2. Wonderful. About the phone thing...last night when I got up to feed Ezra, I knocked my phone into a glass of water that was sitting by my bed. A hole in one...So, Delton took my phone to the Verizon store today, which left me phoneless, so I was unable to call and let anyone know I wasn't coming. I thought I would mind being disconnected from the world, but it was strangely liberating. I usually carry my phone with me everywhere I go- upstairs, downstairs, from room to room. Not having it, knowing that I couldn't call anyone and no one could call me, made it a quiet, peaceful day- a perfect day to recuperate from a cold. Delton and I were able to communicate, which was unexpected, because I remembered that I could text his phone from the Verizon website. I would text him, and he would reply from his phone, which would send the message to our email account. Very snazzy.
Tomorrow is Friday. I am looking forward to a weekend with my husband and my family. Delton is preaching on Sunday. I know he would appreciate your prayers.
Wow - I get to comment first! Yesterday was a special family day to say the least.
Delton, you shared the heart of God - He so wants us to know that He delights in us His children. God "picks us" for his team - we are not just "put on" his team. What a concept. I look forward to the "rest of the story" next week.
Charity, Thanks for the wonderful meal and time to fellowship with your family! What a bonus for us when Delton "picked you" for his wife!
I will have to remember the Verizon opption if I ever need it! You are quite resourceful! And you have a wonderful way with words! - a hole in one - what a way to describe a disaster:-)
Mom Leh
I love the picture! How did Delton's preaching go on Sunday? I had to do a quick thing in church on Sunday- talking about an outreach- stuff like that still makes me nervous. Even after all the speaking i do each week!
aww sounds good! i cant believe he slept that long!!! i miss yous soo much, too much to express! i love you millions!(check your e-mail) *Nanu
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