What a wonderful rainy day. There are old metal trapdoors outside our bedroom window. Much to my delight, the sound of rain is magnified as it hits the doors. With pregnancy has come frequent nighttime wakings...I love to lie awake at night and enjoy the thundering or pitter-pattering of the rain. Even during the day, rain soothes me and ministers to my spirit...somehow.
Our chimney was cleaned today. Two men got us ready to go for the upcoming cold. I was halfway afraid they would find a fatal flaw in the chimney. What would we do with all the wood in the garage??? But, they found no problems, and we are good to go. I invite you to visit me this winter if you get cold. I spent last winter in tank tops and barefoot, at times, unbelievably, too hot. I have memories of a coal stove that we had as a child, but the newness of intense, non-electric heat still fascinates me. I hope the joy of the wood stove remains, even as I face the muddy floors and dirt that is inevitable as wood is brought in from the garage daily, rain or shine!!
A few days ago, I received a text from Delton as he traveled to a meeting. "Our house is on the market again." What a text to receive. Everything shifted in that moment. The security of being in "our house" was gone. Suddenly we were at the mercy of a buyer, of a phone call from a realtor saying that we had to have the house ready to view in 24 hours. Over and over again. With three small boys and a pregnant momma. Impossible.
And so I dwelt on what this text meant that evening. A move. A different home. A different town, perhaps. New neighbors. What did God have in store for us? I was at peace...and just a bit overwhelmed.
Delton came home late that evening. I waited until breakfast to find out more information. "You talked with our landlord last evening?" I asked him.
A blank look. "No."
"Then how did you know our house is on the market?"
Sudden dawning of awareness. "I am so sorry. I meant 'our house up on the hill' is back on the market."
And with that, my world shifted again. There is a house close to the church that we have jokingly dubbed 'our house' and keep checking on the sale status. There was a sale pending that must have fallen through. The FOR SALE sign is back up. The house on the hill is back on the market, but my house, this house, is not. It is still mine, and no one can call me and put me in a panic of getting it clean with 24 hours notice. It took me about a day before I could shift my mind back to reality...we weren't moving. It was a funny mix up. The joy of texting!
I am 15 weeks along. Just last week my energy started returning. Yesterday and today, I cleaned!! The house looked good when the chimney sweeps came...not that they cared, but I did!! Instead of napping right now, I am blogging. It has been a long 9 weeks or so...of fatigue, nauseau, and a change in hormones that caused a horrible recurrence of eczema. My hands were so bad that for days, even weeks, I didn't straighten my hands fully because of the cracks. Finally, I can do dishes. Bathe the boys. Wipe off the table. Fold laundry...without every movement of my hands being noticed. This didn't happen with the boys' pregnancies. Hmmmmm....maybe it's a sign....
I found a new blog, from a new author, and have been enjoying her posts as well as her photography. I have yet to read her book, One Thousand Gifts, but I am excited that there is a new book on my 'to read' list. You can find her at onethousandgifts.com. Read her bio...it made me like her even more.
I hope you are having a wonderfully rainy day as well. Blessings to you!
1 comment:
Again this is a pleasure to read and view your little ones:) Thanks - Mom Lehman
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