We made it to CA for my brother's wedding. It was a great time...but traveling with a 16 month old presents challenges, no matter how well behaved they are. For starters- have you ever spent five hours on an airplane with a 16 month old in your lap? I am still surprised that the airline allows it. It is chaos! Ezra did sooo well, but sitting still was not on his agenda. Poor Delton! He was up walking Ezra more than he was sitting.
As far as the weather- we experienced the biggest rainstorm they have had in 3 years. To compare- last year, the area we were staying in received a grand total of 3 inches of rain- all year. The night of the rehearsal dinner, they received 3 inches of rain- just in a few hours. Try having a rehearsal dinner in a tent in rainy 55 degree weather! It turned out very well, but required a lot of last minute adjustments (a makeshift floor, buckets to catch the rain, heaters...).
My brother's wedding was amazing. We had a lot of fun. The absolute highlight of our trip was the wedding reception, when Ezra was out on the dance floor the entire time. No kidding- when the music started, he headed for the dance floor. He wouldn't let anyone dance with him, but he be-bopped to the music, watching other people dance and trying to copy their moves. He was the center of attention- at times, having a circle of people around him watching his "moves". I laughed so hard I cried. He was out there for several hours. At one point, I had him in a back room where it was quieter. As soon as he heard the music start again, he grabbed my hand and led me out to the dance floor. He was amazing. The videographer couldn't get enough of him.
We are sooo glad to be home. It has taken us a few days to recover (Ezra didn't understand the time difference- he was wide awake at 4 a.m. two of the mornings.) As nice as traveling and experiencing new environments is, there truly is no place like home- and your own bed!
Ewwwwww - 5 hours. We flew with Marin to Myrtle Beach and the longest flight was maybe 1.5 hrs. And still I said that it was the last time I was flying with kids. There is just too much pressure regarding time constraints, diaper changers, nap time readjustment, etc. It's really stressful. I think I spent my whole vacation stressing about the flight home.
Anyway, congrats on the baby boy!!!!!!!!
Charity, I am finally getting to see your blog and what a treat! I have been thinking of you and your trip but never got over the obstacles to give you a call. Rhoda just sent the blog address to me.
Let's put music on and dance the next time you come over! Will he repeat the performance?
Are you up for Soup night this winter. don't know when we're starting.
We're starting Mom's group/Bible study again. Sean will be leading a book study not sure which yet. hope you can come.
Thanks for coming to my birthday lunch.
We missed you at the shower.
Hope to see you soon. Congratulations on another son.
Love to all 4 of you, RuthE
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