The past two weeks have centered around Ezra. He has been teething sooo hard, and hasn't been sleeping much at all during the day. That takes its toll on him and me (and Delton). Just this week, it seems like we are moving out of the heavy teething- I actually have a moment to blog! I bought a book at Borders recently that has been such a blessing. It is called, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child." Previously, I thought I either had to let Ezra cry it out, or be doomed to a life of out of control nap times- drawn out battles or no sleep at all. This book, while acknowledging that for some children, crying it out is the only thing that works, gives so much help in understanding sleep patterns, bedtime soothing, and other alternatives to crying it out. Usually, if Ezra was wide awake after I finished his morning feeding (even if he had been rubbing his eyes and yawning moments before) he wouldn't go to sleep- if was very frustrating. Today, he was wide awake, yet I knew he was tired. I used a little bit of what the book has been teaching me. I "soothed him to sleep" by walking him for a few minutes. We were in his room, which is calming to him, and I gently swayed him without talking. He relaxed- he didn't fall asleep or even lay his head on me, but he was relaxed. After a little bit of holding him, I laid him down in his crib. I knelt beside the crib and held his hand. He fussed quietly, and kept looking over to see if I was there. After a few minutes, he stopped looking at me and just fussed a little more- and then fell fast asleep. It couldn't have taken more than ten minutes.
Most of the time, Ezra falls asleep while nursing, or is quite drowsy, so he goes to sleep easily. This soothing method is so exciting to me, because it means that at times when I know he needs to sleep, but he doesn't, I don't have to simply lay him down and let him cry. I feel like I am doing what works for Ezra. I can't stop smiling. The small (yet huge) triumphs of motherhood!
Everything is going well in other areas of life. I got my hair cut to chin length. I don't know that I love the look on me, but that may also be because I haven't had a chance to do much with it yet. Bedhead and pajamas are not the best canvas for an amazing look! My allergies, which have plagued me for about 8 weeks now, are finally subsiding. I have my face back! I wonder if the cold weather hasn't helped destroy whatever was affecting me.
My sister in Prague is doing very well. The instructor told her that if the class was over this week, he would give her the certificate because she is doing so well. She still has 10 days left of the TESOL school, but she is encouraged to know that she is doing well.
We are looking for a high chair for Ezra- he destroys (!!) our table when we try to hold him at meals. It is time for him to have a high chair. Is anyone wanting to sell theirs, or does anyone have advice as to what types are best?
Charity, You are very alert and articulate for 5am in the morning! How exciting to find what works for Ezra! It is so awesome to see you and Delton work at and enjoy parenthood. I will continue to check out this site!
Mom Leh
awwwww that is an awesome picture! i didn't have time to read the thing tho, love you soooo much! cant wait to see ya... sooooon!!!!! love you
Another cute picture of Ezra. What a happy boy! Sounds like you are doing such an amazing job as a mother. Oh, I saw how you got a book at borders. I would suggest checking things on amazon.com because I usually get great deals on there. I have been buying so many books the last few months that I have so appreciated getting them cheap online. So, anyways Have a great day!!
Hi Charity, I'm glad Ezra is sleeping better. Somehow the whole world looks better when baby and mommy are finally able to get some rest! (been there!) By the way, I noticed your hair yesterday, but didn't get a chance to comment on it. I like it! I'm ready to get mine chopped too. Thanks for updating and have a great weekend!
I'm so glad to hear that you found something that works for you and Ezra! It's so nice when everyone is rested. I can sympathize with the teething thing...Marin is going through it right now.
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