Because of Ezra...I decided to title my blog this way because Ezra is the reason I am home and can blog at any time of the day (provided he is happy!). Ezra is also the main reason I have something to blog about! Updates on Delton and I wouldn't attract too much attention- and the pictures of us aren't nearly as cute as those of Ezra. So- this blog is here because of Ezra.
Hi Charity, welcome to blog world! What an adorable little guy you have! We enjoyed him a lot yesterday. Isn't it amazing how God can speak through you baby's cries? However, there have been many times when I would pray and pray that Isaiah would settle down and so many of those times I felt God just must not be listening! I'm glad God knows best. :) Keep bloggin!
Hi, Charity~
It's Jolinda. Hope you don't mind that I checked out your blog. It's such a great way to keep in touch with friends.
I'm so proud of you for letting Ezra cry to sleep. It was the hardest thing I had to do with Marin but it pays off big time. I would take a book out to the garage and read until she fell asleep cause I couldn't handle listening to it. You'll get through it and Ezra will be a happy baby because he's a good sleeper! It's an added benefit when you get a message from God!
Hi Charity, I just wanted to let you know that I do check your blog! I didn't see a place to leave comments on your newest post so i'm leaving it on this one. :) I enjoy Mondays too! I am able to enjoy my weekends more now that I'm a stay at home wife and mother because I know that I can catch up on laundry, cleaning, etc on Monday!
Jo- I am so glad you checked out my blog! It is a great way to keep in touch. Thanks for the empathy! Ezra has been doing so well in going to sleep on his own. Without a struggle, he falls asleep on his own at bedtime. i did not expect this, but it has been such a blessing. Naptime can still be a bit hard at times!
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