For some reason, I can't upload pictures. We are all doing great- Ezra is talking more, Asher is smiling and cooing. I love it!
We looked at a house last night. Cutest little house with a yard that has a fairyland feel. However, the house hasn't been updated inside since it was built in the 50's, and they had cats living inside- and it reeks! It could be renovated and be wonderful- but I don't think it is the house for us. One of our desires is to live in community. It would be so easy to stay sheltered in this house, never interacting with our neighbors as there is so much shrubbery and foliage that you can hardly tell there is a house there. Since looking at that house last night, I have been sooo thankful for our current house. I hadn't really appreciated this house before, always complaining about the stark white walls and economy blue carpet. But- it is clean, it doesn't smell, and it is home!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
It's been a while
One of the reasons that I haven't posted in a days have gone a lot like my day yesterday...the electrician showed up minutes before I had to leave for a dr. appointment, which was only 20 minutes after I found out Delton would be getting home late, and I'd have to feed everyone supper, load them up, and get going by myself. Add to this that the previous 20 minutes I'd spent talking to my landlord while Ezra, taking advantage of my distraction, walked a dozen pens and other odds and ends over to me, then deposited them all over our floor. So- my house is a wreck, the electrician is upstairs in the bedroom that hasn't been organized since we got back from our weekend away, Delton walks in as I walk out... Can you relate?
I have been thinking lately about different things that fall under the heading "You know you are a mom when...". My top answer would be- you know you are a mom when you enjoy walking the cart back to where it goes at the grocery store because it is the only time you have been all alone, outside, for months! I had assistance at the grocery store a while ago. They kindly offered to walk the cart back into the store for me. Before I could protest, they were gone. No!! I realized then that I was in need of some serious alone time! (has yet to happen. :) When Delton goes along with me now, he lets me push the cart back- he even suggested last time that I take it to the cart holder that is several rows away rather than the one right next to us! Anyway- that is my life with two boys.
I heard a quote recently- with children, the days are long but the years are short. A good reminder.
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