Thursday, August 30, 2007

The People You Meet

As I set my tray down on the table, an old man sat down across the table from me, put his hands on my tray, and said, "Thanks. I'm so hungry!". He looked up at me, smiled, stood up and walked away. I loved it. There was something great about that momentary contact with someone who was having fun living life.
This interaction with the man at McDonalds today got me thinking about the fun people I've met- people who are oblivious to the possible effect they may have on others. Our neighbor sat outside with Delton and I last evening. She talked for about 45 minutes- keeping us laughing as she simply talked about her life. Standing up to leave, she launched into another story, enthralling me with her hand motions, body movement, and expressive language. It was Terica doing what Terica did best- simply being herself.
Open people appeal to me, and, I think, to others, because they don't have the hang-ups most of us have. I think through my interactions, my words, my personality, as I go about my day. I stifle random thoughts because I think through the possible ramifications. I am safe- but I prefer to be around people that are a bit edgy!
What would it take for me to get edgy- for me to know that I am having fun with life, being who I know God created me to be, and letting others enjoy their unexpected encounters with me? I'll have to think about this.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Fun with Friends and Family

This is Ezra's Great-Grandpa Lehman. They look like they are related, don't they!

Delton is holding Nathan Gabriel Lehman- just 9 days old. Nathan is the son of friends of ours. Delton fell in love!
Ezra is being entertained by Grandpa Lehman. I don't think anyone can get Ezra to laugh like his grandpa!

I haven't blogged too much lately. Life has been busy for both Delton and I- especially for Delton. Delton starts selling for Cen-Pe-Co on Monday. We are very excited about this change. It will be a challenge, but Delton is looking forward to learning the art of sales. Delton is also looking forward to working with people. It will be fun to see Delton dress nice for work- no more work shirts and baseball caps!

I am enjoying my time with Ezra. He is in a pointing stage at the moment. When I get him out of his crib in the morning, he is already pointing at everything around him and trying to communicate to us his opinion of what he sees. We try to guess what he wants. "Yes, that is a light. No, that is daddy's cell phone." Sometimes we have no idea what he is pointing to- he just likes to point! He also loves to wander the house, and is especially content if he has a little toy in his hand as he wanders. He is babbling up a storm. I can't wait until I am able to understand what he is saying.

Soup and Story night ended last night. We had invited some local friends to our house every Sunday night in July and August for soup and a story. We read through St. Ben by John Fischer. It is an excellent, moving story of the friendship of two young boys. It is a story Delton and I have both read many times, and are still moved every time we pick it up. We finished the book last evening. Having friends over every Sunday night was fun. I am sad that we won't have a scheduled time for relationship since the book is finished. We'll just have to be more purposeful in setting up times to get together with people.

Blessings to you. I hope your Labor Day is free of labor and a day of rest and rejuvenation.


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Ezra is 1!

Ezra turned one yesterday. It is hard to believe that a year ago today I was in the hospital, holding my tiny 7 lbs. 12 oz baby- and a year later my little baby is 22 lbs, 33 inches long. He grew 3 1/2 inches in the last 3 1/2 months. We had a fun party with grandparents, great-grandparents, friends and family. Ezra wasn't too interested in the cake! My sister, Kara, spent hours creating two train cakes. It was so much fun to see them take shape as they were decorated.